
Capture It Before It’s Gone

Interessante Aspekte rund um das Notieren von Gedanken, Terminen, Ideen usw. usf.: The Secret Of Capturing Ideas (bei „Time Management Ninja“).
It is important to capture ideas and information when they happen.
Otherwise, they often go back to where they came from… which is nowhere.

  1. Ideas – Ideas tend to pop-up during the strangest times. Whether your ideas come to you while in the shower or at the gym, make sure you have method of capturing them. Whether it is a small notebook in the bathroom or on your phone at the gym.
  2. Calendar Appointments – Many people hesitate to put appointments on their calendar until they are final. Capture all appointments. Even placeholders or tentative plans! Most people hesitate to do this for themselves but have no problem with others throwing things on their calendar.
  3. Tasks – When you think of that random todo, write it down immediately. Make sure your todo list is always visible and that you keep it within reach.
  4. Notes – Keep all your notes in one place. I keep all my important notes in one notebook. That way I know exactly where to go when I am looking for an important piece of information that I captured. I prefer Moleskine notebooks (affiliate link).
  5. Contact info – In this day of Google and the Internet, many people underestimate the power of collecting contact info. However, a lot of contact information is not readily available on the web. Having your contacts’ information at your fingertips is extremely powerful.

Genau darum trage ich mein Milestone immer mit mir rum. Inzwischen haben sich für mich die Apps „Springpad““ und „Astrid“ / „Producteev“ sowie natürlich der Kalender als meine Tools herauskristalisiert. Alles ist sowohl im Handy (auch offline!) als auch im Web verfügbar.