
Keyboard Tricks

Vielleicht kennt Ihr die noch nicht:


[Ctrl] + select items from taskbar, right-click selected – mass control open windows

You need to hold the [Ctrl] key while selecting open windows from the taskbar. To open the menu seen on the left, right-click any of the selected items.

With this trick you can simultaneously close a group of applications at once or show them side by side or stacked or in a cascade.

This can save a ton of time wasted on rearranging windows.

– Cool, damit kann man sehr schnell Fenster neben/ĂŒbereinander anordnen, weil man zB. etwas vergleichen möchte. Unter Vista+Win7 geht das natĂŒrlich auch anders (Schieben des Fensters an den linken/rechten Rand)

[Windows] + [D] – show desktop or restore open windows
This is the keyboard shortcut to the respective quick launch taskbar icon.

[Windows] + [R] – run
Öffnet das Dialog Fenster „AusfĂŒhren“

Create your own keyboard trick!
Are there folders or applications you need a lot? Why not create your own keyboard shortcut to quickly access these tools?
This will only work for shortcuts located on your desktop!

First you need to create an actual desktop shortcut. Right-click on the application and select > Create Shortcut from the context menu. Make sure the shortcut sits on your desktop. Now right-click the shortcut and select > Properties. You should see a line that says “Shortcut Key: ”. Click that line and then click a letter ony our keyboard, for example P. A shortcut will be created, in this example [Ctrl] + [alt] + [P]. And there you go, now you have your own personal shortcut key.

[Ctrl] + [Tab] or [Ctrl] + [SHIFT] + [Tab] – move up/right or down/left in tabs
Neat shortcut to move between tabs.
– das ist echt hilfreich !

[Spacebar] or [SHIFT] + [Spacebar] – scroll PageDown or PageUp
Give your mouse wheel a break and use the spacebar to move up and down a website.
– bei mir hat nur das Runterscrollen funktioniert.

(gefunden bei

PS Sorry, daß ich so wenig zum Bloggen komme momentan, aber ich hab im BĂŒro echt Streß momentan….